Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome to EMSE 5223 discussion board. Please make plans to <br>
come here at least twice a week to respond to discussion <br>
questions from me and from other students. To begin, will <br>
every student say something about themselves and what they <br>
hope to get out of this course.<br>


  1. Hello Dr. Kolodiy and classmates. My name is Anson Boory. I just finished my BA in Biology at Kean and am looking forward to the Instruction & Curriculum program. I have been working in the biology department as a teaching assistant for anatomy and physiology since I transferred to Kean in 2010. I'm very excited about starting on my pathto becoming a teacher/instructor of biology. Best to everyone this semester, Anson

    1. Sorry, i forgot to address what I'd like to get out of this course. I hope to improve my current skills and gain many new ones which will help me enhance classroom experiences for the student i tutor at Kean and my future high school students.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good Morning all. My name is Jarred Boykin and I attended Kean University as an undergraduate. This is where I attained my BA in Mathematical Sciences in the Spring of 2012. Last semester was my first in the program Instruction and Curriculum. I have 3 jobs and one of which is working for the chair of the computer science department. Fourth floor Willis Hall if you would like to stop by and say hello. My second job is working at Piscataway Stop and Shop on the weekends and the third is working as a substitute teacher when ever I can a couple of times a week. I believe that this class is important to teachers because it will help us with our incorporation of technology in the classroom.

  4. Hello, my name is Amy Garrett. I graduated with a degree in history from Kean University. I am currently working towards my masters in instruction and curriculum at Kean University. I am excited to learn how to create my own web page that students will be able to use and to learn new innovative ways to teach my students.

  5. Hello, Dr. Kolodiy and all.
    My name is Jorge Alvarez and I came to the instruction and curriculum graduate program here at Kean following my undergraduate work at Rutgers University. I received both my History and Psychology bachelor's degrees there. Last semester i completed my work to receive my teacher's certificate and now i am officially on the job hunt.
    I am looking forward to this class for a multitude of reasons, one obviously being that I will need a site in the future for my students. The second being that I am currently starting a very small business and have a very rudimentary site and wish to know how to expand on it. I have heard that this class can give me a good understanding of how the creation of a website works.
    Thanks, looking forward to the semester.

  6. Good morning everyone! My name is Juan Mendez, and I am currently enrolled in the M.A. in Instruction and Curriculum program. My goal is to become a middle school mathematics teacher. This is my final semester at Kean.

    The web offers several tools that can help teachers become more effective in the classroom. I hope to learn additional ways to incorporate technology into a classroom setting.

  7. My name is Mike. I am in my final semester as a graduate student in Accounting.

    I hope to teach Accounting courses, beginning this year. So, I thought it only made sense to take this course to help me gain greater knowledge of web technology.

    It is very nice to “meet” everybody. Good luck this semester.

  8. Hi all, Frank Forbes here. I am working towards my M.A. in Instruction and Curriculum. I've considered becoming a teacher since High School, however found myself on a different path until recently.I am pursuing this career change now because I lost my job as a brewer at Anheuser-Busch due to downsizing and I am currently unemployed. I have a B.A. in Business Management from Monmouth College that I earned back in '92. Realizing the importance of technology in the classroom, I am hoping that this course will improve my computer skills and help to bridge a 20 year gap. I'm sorry this entry comes so late but I was forced to register on the last day of add/drop and just recieved the link earlier today. Thanks, Looking forward to working and learning with all of you this semester!

  9. Hello! My name is Bernadette Bennett and I am in the Instruction and Curriculum program. I would like to teach Middle School Math when I graduate. I am hoping to create my Teacher website from scratch and create on-line assignments like those that Dr. Kolodiy has here. I see technology as an integral part of my classroom.
