Monday, April 22, 2013

Final Posting

 We are getting to the end of the semester so this will be my final posting. Congrads to you guys for being a small but possibly the best class I have had in this course. We have tried to look at the many ways that internet technology can be used in education and google docs seems to offer many tools for teachers

Back in lesson 8 you were asked to look at some movies and read about various tools for teachers from Google. One of the assignments in this course (in lesson 12) is to make an online quiz using google forms. After looking at all the tools available and the lessons described, what impact do you think they will have on your teaching? Have you used any of them before taking this class? What other links can you find which comment about these tools?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 10 Posting

Read the nytimes article  about how technology is affecting teaching and learning. Look at all the links but particularlyIn particular read the 3 links re

“Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction,”
Teachers' Views on Technology in the Classroom
Students and Technology, Constant Companions

Address the question: Technology in Education: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly