Monday, April 22, 2013

Final Posting

 We are getting to the end of the semester so this will be my final posting. Congrads to you guys for being a small but possibly the best class I have had in this course. We have tried to look at the many ways that internet technology can be used in education and google docs seems to offer many tools for teachers

Back in lesson 8 you were asked to look at some movies and read about various tools for teachers from Google. One of the assignments in this course (in lesson 12) is to make an online quiz using google forms. After looking at all the tools available and the lessons described, what impact do you think they will have on your teaching? Have you used any of them before taking this class? What other links can you find which comment about these tools?


  1. This will impact my teaching tremendously because I do love technology and so do the students. I do not believe in over doing it when it comes to technology, but if you can fit it in a lesson then I say go for it. Using Google forms to conduct online quizes is genius. You could use this tool in so many different ways. Two of the ways that come directly to my mind at the current moment is assessments. Pre and post assessments are of the very important and could be conducted directly through Google forms.

    I have used some of these tools before taking this class. The one that I use a lot is Google Docs and Sites. I am helping one of the departments in our college figure out ways to assess how well a class ran for the semester. So I created generic assessment report forms in which the professors log into their Kean accounts and download these Google Docs from the Google site. Now that I know how to do something like this I could also do this with assignments in my classroom.

    This is a link ( ) that I found through Google that has ten great reasons why teachers should incorporate Google forms in their teaching. I like this site because the reasons are not geared toward one subject area, but indeed cover all aspects of teaching.

    1. Thank you for the link on 10 great free google forms that every teacher should be using. Great resource, I added it to my favorites.

  2. I have admittedly not used any of these tools in the role of the teacher. I have been on the student side of some of these methods and have enjoyed them. I intend on using some of the technologies we have learned about as the teacher, especially google forms. Since the pre assessments i give are not counted towards the student's grades I can trust that they will not use any outside aids to help them. This will free up class time for other things while engaging the students in a sort of distance learning.
    Having a website to use as a reference for the students to access after school will be invaluable. The ability to make powerpoints, notes, worksheets, and even quizzes available on a website that can be accessed by the students will prove very useful. It is perfect for absences, new students, and as an aid for those students who were present.

    1. Agreed technology will be an integral part of my classroom.

  3. Google forms will be incorporated in my lessons and in doing homework. I may use it like Jared and Jorge says for pre-assessment and post-assessment. I love the flubaroo feature which automatically corrects students work. Definitely, something I will use in my future classes.

    After learning about Google forms this semester, I used it to survey students I needed for a study. When a student submits the form, the data is automatically entered in the response spreadsheet and you can extract the data to create charts. Google actually created charts automatically for my study. Google forms is so easy to use, if I had known about it earlier, I would have used this tool instead of surveymonkey. I will create an activity in my math class for students to use google forms. They may survey each other, analyze results, present charts and discuss charts using math terms.

    Another link to share is 22 Useful google forms for teachers and principals dated December 10, 2012

    Here are some helpful Google form templates -

    Good luck everyone! It was nice distance learning with you all!

  4. I've never heard of Google Docs before my prior semester. I have been a bit behind the technology curve for a while, now. Google Docs has a lot of versatility. I was assigned a group project that was very challenging in terms of scheduling. Each group member worked another job at least part time, and had personal responsibilities; so, it was extremely difficult to coordinate meeting times. That's where Google Docs came into play. It made our collaboration possible. I highly recommend.

    If all goes as planned, I will be teaching before this Fall. Being the lone non-educator, here, I am not certain just how to implement Google Docs. However, I definitely plan to employ Google Docs, even thought I just rediscovered OpenOffice.

    Below is a link that describes 55 ways Google Docs can help in education.
