Monday, April 22, 2013

Final Posting

 We are getting to the end of the semester so this will be my final posting. Congrads to you guys for being a small but possibly the best class I have had in this course. We have tried to look at the many ways that internet technology can be used in education and google docs seems to offer many tools for teachers

Back in lesson 8 you were asked to look at some movies and read about various tools for teachers from Google. One of the assignments in this course (in lesson 12) is to make an online quiz using google forms. After looking at all the tools available and the lessons described, what impact do you think they will have on your teaching? Have you used any of them before taking this class? What other links can you find which comment about these tools?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 10 Posting

Read the nytimes article  about how technology is affecting teaching and learning. Look at all the links but particularlyIn particular read the 3 links re

“Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction,”
Teachers' Views on Technology in the Classroom
Students and Technology, Constant Companions

Address the question: Technology in Education: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 8 Posting

Sorry for the late posting-with spring break I go mixed up about the dates to post.

First I need to congratulate all of you on continuing such a fine discussion in spite of the fact that messed up, especially in spite of the fact that there are apparently only 4 of you participating. It is interesting that there are many students that do not have the self discipline to progress in a on-line class.

This week we will try to find educational podcasts which are short audio or video files which teach and share this information with the rest of us. Probably the best way is to use iTunes (From iTunes choose iTunes Store>>>iTunesU). Other sites include for example ( ) ( ) ( ). A great one that i have used is teaching with smartboard

 Try to find some in the area you teach and on these pages share with us your experiences in trying to locate them and whether you feel you found something useful for your teaching.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 6 Posting

Please remember that I am posting a topic once every 2 weeks, but I  expect students to post every week, once to respond to the posting  and once to respond to other students.

In lesson 3 you read two articles on distance education; 'Distance Education, An Overview', and 'Why Teach at a Distance'. These articles discuss different modes of distance teaching-not just a online like this class. What experiences have you had or have seen in your school re one of these modes (such as interactive television). If you have had no experiences, from these readings, what do you think of this mode of teaching? Search the internet and see if you can come across any studies which gauge the educational value of distance education versus traditional education? If so give us the web address.

An interesting site that comes close to face-to-face online is

Check out some of the class examples and tell us what you think.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 4 Posting

Some interesting insights in the last posting, especially the use of smart phones (or iPads) in the classroom. As I searched the internet for more examples I concluded that perhaps we all should search the internet and share our findings. Obviously one use is finding good apps and having students use them in the classroom but this is not much different than finding good software and having students use them on their computers. Week 3 involves using the internet to do research such as finding information, so for this week do a search and try to find creative ways smart phones are used in the classroom and share with us what you find including administrative uses.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 2 Posting

In the last two lessons you have seen samples of how to teach something on-line, whether technical stuff like html or general readings like history statistics etc and how to lead on-line discussion forums. Many educators say that the last great innovation in education was the invention of the printing press-that is until now. The world wide web is a new mode comparable to invention of the printing press.

The videos from lesson 1-2 'Did You Know' and 'Help desk' both address these questions. The first video ends with the words

'Shift Happens'

This refers to a shift in education. Discuss these points of the videos. Do you agree with this? What do you think of the affect of technology on education or teaching? Has it affected how and what is being taught in the school? Will it in the future? How has technology affected you? Do you put things (publish) on the internet?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome to EMSE 5223 discussion board. Please make plans to <br>
come here at least twice a week to respond to discussion <br>
questions from me and from other students. To begin, will <br>
every student say something about themselves and what they <br>
hope to get out of this course.<br>